Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Avocado Smooth 'n Tangy

I know I should vary the colors of my morning drink, but I've got 5 avocados that need to be eaten NOW and I love avocado smoothies! Before this Project, I would have added some agave to sweeten the deal, but I am being good. It felt liked it lacked a little sumptin', so I added the squeeze of lemon. Yes! That was the boost of flavor I needed. My tongue is used to the sweet, and the brain went there first. Good lesson to learn when trying to wean off sugar...give your buds (taste buds, that is) a different point of view... in this case tart did the trick to add the kick.

Avocado Smooth 'n Tangy
Makes 1-2 servings
Protein content per recipe: approx 8 g

1/3 cup raw almonds (soaked is good)
1 avocado
1 plum
1 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
salt optional
squeeze of lemon

Whir in blender. Drink! (I blend the almonds and water first to get them as smooth as possible.)

Nut-free alternative: use coconut milk instead of almonds and water.

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